Super Social Me

Anyone else suddenly way more social on lockdown*?  I’m in zoom this, zoom that.  On Friday I did some Chi Gong for singing, Monday I was in a writing group doing exercises I would never normally do, my Yoga attendance is off the scale.  I’m not even big into screens and I really love face to face, in fact feel a bit awkward in all other modes of communication.  So I’m not sure where all this has come from?  It is not the behaviour I would have expected myself to adopt.

I suppose it’s a need for people.  I spend most of my (non-pandemic) time working, with my kids or doing ‘jobs’ and perceive that I’d like to see friends more,  do more clubs, but maybe I was dong it a lot more than never and it was sustaining me in a way I hadn’t appreciated before.  It’s hard to even remember but it’s not like the non-lockdown phases of the past 10 months have really allowed fully free interactions so nothings planned, we’ve all scaled right back anyway.

Maybe, I’ve got a nearly four and nearly two year old who I always want to be there for and going out, not for work, seemed too luxurious.  Now it’s become a bit easier.  I can dip in and out of an evenings zoom song session and still go to bed in time to tolerate the interminable 5.30am starts.  Practically though, socialising on zoom does mean parents can actually join in with something after kids have gone to bed without, you know, abandoning them in a house alone.

Cheers to everyone hosting events, I’m meeting new people and wondering if I’ll ever go to the sessions for real.  So what have you been up to?  Did your lock-down behaviour surprise you?  Recon you’ll carry on joining in once its all over and there nothing left to do on zoom any more?

The only thing I haven’t done is a solo live stream….

*Written in the UK January 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic and after 10 months of on/off lockdowns and ever-changing restrictions in between times.

*The track in the video is ‘Super Social’ which I co-wrote in 2012 for a music library.

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